Thursday, May 28, 2020

Alexandra Levits Water Cooler Wisdom Help! My Male Colleague Thinks Im Too Emotional!

Alexandra Levit's Water Cooler Wisdom Help! My Male Colleague Thinks I'm Too Emotional! Heres my final question. Hope you all enjoyed this feature! I called a senior-level manager to find out why one of my team members did not pass a board certification. When he provided the feedback, I pushed back withstrong points. He immediately pulled the girl card. Instead of addressing myissues, he said: `Obviously you are too emotional to talk now. I said I was fineand asked another question, and then he said: `Why don’t we talk when youhave calmed down? Would he have talked to a male colleague that way? Idon’t think so. By the way, pulling the girl cardis making areaction that would benormal coming from a man seem emotional when coming from a woman. It’s not fair, is it? I won’t bother to ask the question: “Were you actually overemotional in the interaction?” Because the truth is, there’s no right answer. Overemotionality is in the eye of the beholder and completely subjective. According to Stephanie Shields in an article for the Review of General Psychology, because men (as the dominant group) determine what is socially acceptable in a given context, women’s natural and more diverse reactions are more likely to be seen as inappropriate. And per a2007 study by Van Kleef Cote, the display of inappropriate emotions is associated with decreased influence in workplace relationships. It’s important to understand that your male colleague isn’t trying to pull the “girl card.” Rather,unconscious biasmay be at play here. Unconscious bias is basing one’s response to someone on an assumption about their gender, age, race, etc. Your colleague might treat a man differently, but he probably doesn’t realize it. So telling him he’s pulling the “girl card” isn’t going to help matters and will probably only escalate the situation. Next time you’re in a situation like this, here’s what you should do. At the get go, concisely explain the facts, ask questions for clarification and avoid conjecture. Always strive to be assertive, which is defined as expressing your views while respecting those of others. The core of assertiveness is using “I” statements. In this case, an example would be: “I feel that my team member deserved to pass the board certification. Can you help me understand where you think she needs to improve?” If there are any objective signs that you are upset orstressed out(e.g. you’ve raised your voice, your hands are shaking or tears are pricking at your eyelids), excuse yourself immediately and continue the discussion when you can remain totally calm and rational. Make sure you do not show anger ordefensivenessat the male colleague’s comments. You say above that you “pushed back with strong points,” which indicates that you might have come across like you were on the warpath. Assertiveness differs from aggressiveness in its diplomatic approach and its validation of others’ points of view. Assertive communicators demonstrate empathy rather than chastising others for their behavior or decisions. Even if the two of you never completely see eye to eye, an assertive approach makes it far less likely that a colleague will pull the “girl card.”

Monday, May 25, 2020

Tips For Keeping Your Feet Healthy And Comfortable

Tips For Keeping Your Feet Healthy And Comfortable Are you forced to remain on your feet eight hours each and every day? Unfortunately, a lot of jobs can take a brutal toll on your feet and this can result in tremendous pain. If you do not take proper care of your feet, the problem could escalate and it could eventually lead to deformities and other serious problems. With this in mind, it is absolutely essential to take care of your feet. Below, you will find tips for keeping them comfortable, safe, and healthy. Choosing Shoes First and foremost, you should understand how immensely important it is to invest in the right pair of shoes. If your shoes are not comfortable, you will find yourself in enormous pain very quickly. The right pair of shoes will be able to keep you comfortable for a much longer duration. At the same time, getting the right size will help to decrease the potential of blisters. Whether you’re interested in running or walking shoes, you’ll want to put in a substantial amount of effort and ensure you make the right choice. Get the perfect fit and the potential for pain will already be decreased to some degree! Pace Yourself While at work, you’ll want to make sure you pace yourself. Rushing around too aggressively could cause your feet to swell at a quicker rate. By taking your time, pacing yourself, and remaining steady, you will be able to greatly decrease your pain. You also need to remember to be cautious of the items around your workplace. Failing to notice a box on the floor could result in a stubbed or even broken toe. And unfortunately, this may put you in the hospital and out of work for several weeks. Take your time and pay close attention to your surroundings. Pamper Your Feet Taking care of your feet is pertinent. Remember that clean feet will be healthy feet. This is why it is a good idea to bathe and dry the feet on a daily basis. At the same time, you should closely inspect the feet for potential problems, such as cracks, calluses and blisters. If you spot any of these, you will be able to take action immediately to prevent further damage. You may also want to consider investing in one of the best foot massagers. This device will help to keep the muscles in your feet relaxed and limber. In return, this will reduce the potential for problems and pain. While you’re at it, you’ll want to make sure you keep your toenails properly trimmed. If your toenails are too long, they could easily cut into the surrounding toes. Remove any sharp points to prevent this from happening. Protective Shoes Aside from wearing comfortable shoes, you should also wear protective shoes. If you work in a situation in which you could potentially drop an object on your toes, you should invest in steel toe boots. You should also wear protective footwear when using heavy equipment and chainsaws. This will help you avoid suffering from broken toes in the future. Also, if you work in a restaurant or hospital, non-slip soles are a must! . Image credits. Main.  Pedicures.  

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Interviewing with New Purpose The 5 Interview Questions Id Like to Ask Marla Gottschalk

Interviewing with New Purpose The 5 Interview Questions Id Like to Ask Marla Gottschalk We have an engagement crisis in todays world of work. According to recent research, the majority of our employees do not feel a real connection with their work. I find this both alarming and incredibly disheartening. However, the question remains: How might we rectify this epidemic? I do feel that we have the tools (tests, assessments, etc.) and knowledge base to move forward â€" but our mindset has yet to catch up with the pressing need. The proof is there â€" we just need to breathe deeply and process the information. We must provide more opportunities for honest conversation. More sharing â€" more trust â€" more exploration into what really connects an employee with their work. We need to lay it all out openly and discuss what really matters. No gimmicks. No excuses. We simply need to examine what makes us tick and embrace whatever that might be. This type of career transparency can begin with the interviewing process. To impact this staggering lack of engagement, we need to interview with new-found purpose. This means using the interview platform as an opportunity to discover information that might directly impact future levels of engagement. In particular, we might probe areas that have been linked with higher levels of engagement: Feeling valued, appropriate feedback and support, and how to sustain directed, energized effort. Here are the questions that Id like to ask: What elements of your work energize you? What kind of performance feedback (specificity, frequency) is most useful to you? What type of supervision helps you to become maximally effective? How does the role we are discussing align with your strengths? If you could implement one innovation (or idea) within our industry, what would that be? What questions might you ask? Share them. Special thanks to one of my readers Dave Erikson ( The 10 Career Questions Id like to Ask Just About Everyone), whose comment motivated me to write this post. Dr. Marla Gottschalk is a Workplace Psychologist. She also writes for Linkedin and US News World Report.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Your Personal Brand

Your Personal Brand Tom Peters coined the term “personal brand” in Fast Company in 1997.   He said, “Regardless of age, regardless of position, regardless of the business we happen to be in, all of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You. Its that simple and that hard.” Your career path is more than a series of jobs â€" it’s about who you are and where you’re going.   The problem is, most of us aren’t sure of who we are and where we’re going.   Forget your job title for a moment.   Your personal brand is about what you do that adds value â€" to your company and to your community.   And if it’s going to be an effective brand, it has to stand out from the crowd. Peters suggests that you have the beginnings of a personal brand if you pass the 15-word test.   Can you explain your unique combination of valuable traits in a few words?   Start by identifying the characteristics that make you different from your competitors â€" and your colleagues. What have you done lately that adds value?   Do you do it consistently?   When you have a statement like this: “A unique combination of data-driven strategic thinking and boundless creative energy,” you have the beginnings of a personal brand. Take some time to hone your brand statement, then keep it handy.   It will serve as an inspiration to you as you set out on your career path. The next step is to think in terms of features and benefits â€" standard marketing thinking. What are the features of your brand, and what value does it bring to your customers (or bosses, co workers, and the company?) If you consistently finish projects on time and they’re right the first time, you save everyone time and money. You can see that personal branding is a great way to build your confidence, even if your job title is near the bottom of the corporate ladder. Now that you have your brand, how do you launch it?   You can gain visibility for your personal brand both inside and outside your company.   Try moonlighting â€" volunteering for a company project that’s outside your department and putting you in touch with a whole new network. Your good work will be noticed by more people, and may open up possibilities for exciting new assignments.   Outside your company, offer to teach classes at the community college or local youth or senior center.   You’ll establish yourself as an expert, which can become a part of your personal brand. Don’t forget that once you’ve established a personal brand, it becomes a powerful tool.   Everything you do, or don’t do, becomes a part of your brand. The way you respond to email (including your grammar and spelling) may get noticed, for example, along with your responsiveness and how often your projects are on time.   (These things get noticed anyway, by the way; you’re building a brand whether you know it or not.) How will you know when you’ve built your brand?   People start coming to you â€" based on your reputation.  When you hear things like “I heard you were the best person in the company to come to for this,” you know you’re on the way to building a successful “You, Inc.”

Thursday, May 14, 2020

How to Make Your Job Postings Seem Exciting

How to Make Your Job Postings Seem Exciting Job posting isn’t as simple as it seems. It takes more than just writing down a few words about the company, briefing the candidate on what is expected of them, and expecting a horde of hopefuls to walk in the office armed with their resumes.This may be a familiar scene for some jobs that don’t ask for much education, skill, and experience. But if you want to win over the best employees to work for your company, you may need to add in some coaxing and a bit of selling yourself.evalJust like jobseekers, employers also have to work their end of the bargain by writing a killer job posting that can attract the best workers. You don’t need to be a talented writer to create a killer job posting.All it takes is putting yourself in the jobseeker’s shoes and finding out what’s going to draw them to you. To help you with that, here are a few tips on how to make your job postings seem exciting:1. Come up with a killer graphic appealevalWhen it comes to job postings, looks do matter. M ake sure your posting has a compelling message and is easy to read. Visual appeal is a must if you want anyone to atleast take the time to glance at your job posting. Also, get good graphics, but don’t overdo on fancy charts and logos.A simple page layout can go a long way with job seekers. Don’t overload your job posting with too much information. Instead, make it straightforward and concise.Make your company look important by adding your logo whenever you can and pairing with unique graphics. It’s important to understand that your company’s appearance online has a big impact on the attitude of the job seeker reading your posting.2. Add a catchy job titleIt may sound preposterous at first, but if you take for example the “genius bar” at Apple’s retail stores, then the idea no longer seems so far off. If you think about it, the job, in itself, isn’t particularly unique. All you do is help customers resolve product problems.However, with the job, the company bestows y ou with the title of “genius.” And that’s enough for a lot of people. Applicants have been flooding in since Apple decided to give this job a compelling name. And, once they land the job, the “geniuses” tend to stay longer than the average Apple retail employee.3. Reinvent yourselfevalIn the business world, change is constant. No matter how prepared we think we are for what’s coming our way, sometimes life just takes us by surprise. And as an entrepreneur, it is your responsibility to be open to change and make the most out of the cards you’ve been dealt.National Geographic is a prime example of how a company can survive the winds of change. Since the technology boom, the print industry has been one of the most affected industries. A number of newspaper and magazine companies have succumbed to pressure and have closed down or gone fully digital. Wisely enough, the National Geographic realized that by staying firmly planted in the old-fashioned print industry, it would have cost them their business. Instead, the company adapted to the situation and secured itself a spot on the Internet, knowing how important it is for businesses nowadays to have a healthy online presence.4. Use your tools to enjoyTechnology provides an effective medium to streamline your recruitment process. The most dynamic, innovative recruitment teams are constantly on the lookout for the most useful online tools or software. Such can smoothen every step of the hiring processâ€"from posting jobs to organizing resumes, to conducting interviews.There are a variety of recruiting tools to choose from online. You just have to know one is best to use for your company. Reddit, Zao, Indeed, Workable, and Trello are just some of the programs that can help managers and recruiters raise their hiring game.5. Distinguish “must-haves” from “nice to haves.”evalevalWhile some enterprises are certain of their priorities, there are those that are new to workforce recruitment, and are the refore, less certain of what’s important to them. Take time to learn as much as possible about your counterparts and their strategies, and filter the qualities that you must be looking for in your ideal applicant.It is crucial to look beyond the mere technical skills of the applicant. While it is nice to hire someone who is well equipped with hard skills, it is only part of the big picture when it comes to finding a suitable person for the job.In fact, according to a 2014 survey by CareerBuilder, a vast majority of employers find “hard skills” and “soft skills” of equal importance. The latter are more of an intrinsic component of a person’s character, and therefore, can’t be easily acquired on the job.6. Nail the short descriptionKeep the “Job Description and Skills” section of your job posting clear and concise, providing the job seeker only with an outline on what you are looking for and what they can expect from your company. Typically, an effective job descript ion has two components: an overview of the role and job responsibilities.Highlight only essential information in this section to keep the description succinct and easy to grasp. Although content is important in a job posting, you don’t want the job seekers to feel overwhelmed with too much information on your posting.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Guest blogger Liselotte Stryberg - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

Guest blogger Liselotte Stryberg - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog I will be on vacation for most of august, and while Im gone Liselotte Str?yberg has agreed to guest blog. Ive had the pleasure of working with Liselotte on the happiness at work project for a while now, and her contribution has been invaluable. Liselotte has an extensive background in HR and organisational theory, and (to my continuing envy) has studied in the US under David Cooperrider, the guy who came op with Appreciative Inquiry. Ive given Liselotte free reins on the site while Im gone, the only condition being, of course, that all posts be positive. Thanks to Liselotte for keeping the site going while Im away, I know it will be excellent! I will be taking a nice long vacation. My girlfriend Patricia and I have rented an extra motorcycle from a friend, and well be touring Germany, Holland and Belgium. We have no fixed plan except to drive where our fancy takes us, but we will be going here, here and here at some point. Thanks for visiting my blog. If you're new here, you should check out this list of my 10 most popular articles. And if you want more great tips and ideas you should check out our newsletter about happiness at work. It's great and it's free :-)Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related

Friday, May 8, 2020

Getting More Prospects For Your Job Searching Campaigns

Getting More Prospects For Your Job Searching CampaignsWriting an educational background resume is an important document to have and it helps you land that perfect job position. With the increasing globalisation, the demand for professionals has grown manifold and every company looks out for trained employees. Not all positions require a degree from a good university. Hence, this type of resume is one of the most important documents that you can submit for jobs.The process of writing a career background resume is quite simple and yet it requires some patience and persistence. If you are a beginner in the field, you should not worry as you can easily achieve this feat as long as you are patient enough.Before starting off with the resume, you should look at the area of expertise that you wish to have. It could be an activity or any other relevant skills. You should also keep your job search strategy in mind while writing the resume. Once you have done so, all you need to do is to make use of online services such as CareerBuilder or to get a good list of the suitable jobs in your industry.A good and accurate educational background resume is very essential as it gives your potential employer an idea about your degree and qualification. You need to make use of this document to impress upon the interviewer that you are well versed in the sector. This will get you hired fast in the future.Try to make the resume as informative as possible. Provide all the information about your work experience and your past working position. It is important to state the importance of your subject in the workplace and should describe the key highlights of the work done. The resume should include all the details about your work and its contribution to the company.While writing an educational background resume, try to create a template so that you can easily generate a resume for different job positions. You can make use of free resume templates that are available in various p laces on the internet. By doing so, you will be able to focus on your career advancement rather than concentrating on the details of your past work.You can also provide contact details and even photos to make your resume a better deal. Remember that a good educational background resume will help you excel your position in the industry. If you are a self-starter, then you should write your resume yourself.This is a relatively time-consuming task, but by using some online tools such as CareerBuilder or, you can easily write an education background resume in no time. Besides this, the best part is that you can also share your resume with the potential employers for better chances of getting hired.